On Sunday 4th November, two crews from Oxford’s Falcon Rowing Club swapped the calm of the Isis for the excitement of racing over the Boat Race course on London’s Tideway.
The Women’s Masters D quad of Julie Summers, Alison Grünewald, Camilla Scarf and Alison Salvesen joined over 250 crews taking part in Veterans Fours Head - a competition for Masters rowers (i.e. those aged 27 or older) competing in crews of either four rowers or scullers.
The weather was mild, the wind had dropped and the rain held off; ideal conditions for competing on an autumn day. The Falcon WMasD quad put in a strong performance over the timed course, enjoying the challenge of overtaking several other boats out on the water. Following the race, and then a long row back to their host club, the scullers were delighted to hear that they had won their division, decisively beating their closest rivals by over 30 seconds.
The crew are looking forward to receiving their medals in due course, and getting back to training on the river in Oxford.