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Kayaking Club Sessions
We now having a booking sheet for club (and peer-lead sessions) which you can access once you join the club.
The following is representative for available paddling sessions:
Multiple sessions Saturday and Sunday morning
Multiple evening sessions every day during the week (variety of speeds)
Some morning sessions during the week (variety of speeds)
Wednesday evening 7km time trial
Multiple sessions Saturday and Sunday morning
Some morning sessions during the week (variety of speeds)
A few evening sessions during the week (paddling in the dark, Div 4+, have to ask in advance)
Circuits twice a week during the week + some ergo sessions
Club Sessions:
The kayaking and canoeing sections organise a range of training sessions, trips, and social events.
All official sessions are posted on an online booking spreadsheet
The spreadsheet contains information regarding the time for each session, the name of the coach and the ability level the session is intended for.
Paddlers can book by entering their name next to the session they would like to attend.
The spreadsheet is updated every Wednesday to show the sessions for the following week.
Sessions usually last one to two hours.
During the Winter/Autumn season most sessions are at the weekend
During the Spring/Summer season most sessions are mid-week evenings and at the weekend.
Kayak Marathon Divisions:
Kayak training sessions are organised according to paddling speed. New paddlers will start in novice/beginner sessions. The sessions are then ranked roughly according to marathon racing divisions from division 1 to 9 where division one is for the fastest paddlers! The best way to judge which session is most appropriate is by time-trial, race results, or coach recommendations.
Kayak Time-trials:
Club time-trials are run on Wednesday evenings during summer, starting at 6:30pm. These are a good way to improve standard, speed and stamina as you attempt to beat your previous personal best time. The time-trials rely on land-based volunteers being available to take entries and time each paddler over the course.
Joining a coached session:
Book a place on the online spreadsheet.
Arrive approximately 20 minutes before your session to sort out your boat, paddle and buoyancy aid
Check the boat is set-up correctly for you, that it has a footplate and that the rudder works!
The session start time is the time when the group moves off on the water. Please be punctual and don’t expect other paddlers to wait for you.
Paddle on the righthand side of the river.
Stay within hearing distance of your coach and remain with the group of coaches and fellow paddlers.
At the end of a session:
Clean and store boat in appropriate storage facility
Wash hands thoroughly before eating or drinking.
Shower as soon as possible after the session
Seek medical attention if you cut yourself, are injured or feel cold-like or flu-like symptoms.
What to do if you capsize:
Don’t panic!
If you can, tip the boat upright to minimise water intake.
Place paddle inside boat if you can, or hold on to it.
Move to the nearest bank with your boat and exit the water.
If you cannot easily reach a bank with your boat then let another paddler deal with the boat and prioritise your own exit from the water, especially in winter.
Await assistance if needed to empty and re-enter your boat. Follow the instructions of your coach.
Do not attempt to climb on top of your boat or hold anyone else’s boat unless instructed.
Do not get cold – change into dry warm clothes or go back to clubhouse under coach’s instructions.
What to wear:
We recommend that you wear thin, synthetic fibre layers as they dry quickly.
T-shirts and thin long-sleeve tops (nylon, thermals or fleece)
Leggings, track-suit trousers, or shorts in summer. No jeans or sweatshirts.
Cagoule or short, light, windproof top
Woolly hat if it's cold
Wetsuit shoes or similar on feet
Glasses need to be securely fitted, avoid wearing jewellery
Leave your mobile in the car or a locker.
Bring appropriate clothing for paddling but also bring a warm change of clothes and a towel.
Kayaking Equipment:
Kayaks are rated according to stability from 1 (least stable) to 10 (most stable).
Check paddle size with coach.
Do not sit in the boats on land and avoid placing boats on concrete – this can damage rudders.
Wash boats after sessions, place the boats back in the appropriate rack with the rudders going in last
If the boat is damaged put details of the repair needs onto the relevant section of the booking sheet.
Kayak Racking
Please email for information about racking canoes and kayaks.
Kayak Repairs
Email Boat repairs to report any repairs that need to be done!
Water Safety
The map on the following link shows sections of the river to be avoided when the river is on red and yellow board.
Copyright © 2025, FALCON BOAT CLUB
Zymphonies and David S