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Useful Links
- British Rowing
- Recreational Rowing
- Sculling boat racking application at Falcon
- Rowing Service noticeboard- for boats, blades, wanted, jobs etc
- Sculling boat sales
- David Biddulph- race calendar
- Masters Category Calculator
New Falcon Rowing Members
Read the letter of Welcome and Introduction to Falcon Rowing.
Club Kit
Our previous kit suppliers are Godfrey Sports, where you can find all-in-ones, leggings, lycra shorts and tops. Anything custom made (i.e with the 'Thames block' on it) is cheaper when you buy more. The club regularly sets up bulk orders to ensure you get the discount. Stock items such as hoodies and kit bags do not change price regardless of the number ordered. The club will still allow this as racing kit until at least Dec2025, however the official club racing kit is now supplied by Stitch - which can be ordered at any time, though there are also club purchasing windows to minimise the postage costs.
We also have a set up with South East workwear in Abingdon, should you wish to have t-shirts made up for anything. We use them for our annual Junior Summer Course t-shirts and the Women's Henley t-shirts in the past.
Club IT
Boat Booking : See emails from ViceCaptain sent Friday afternoons - showing current week and next week. Googlesheet posted in googlecloud, URL changes with each new week. Will also contain RP3 Booking schedule.
RP3 Booking. : see Boat Booking above
Concept2 Booking : as these are located in a shared space then they are booked using the Clubhouse Booking Calendar - see below,
Squadlist : Used to plan outings across touring, club and development squad. Access created by Membership Secretary on induction. Members should maintain contact details and British Rowing membership to be able to attend BR regattas. GDPR.
Clubhouse Booking Calendar : Google calendar used to manage shared facilities in Clubhouse, including the Concept2's in UpperBay1. Administered by Club Chairman, Club Captains, Junior Head Coach. Non GDPR
FBC Trailer and Regatta Planning : Google sheet that captures in one tab the nationwide regattas with their booking dates (noting that as there is no live integration to BROE2 it will fall behind from time to time) and which regattas the club intends to participate in, and in a second tab the specfic crews and boats attending the regattas and finally their results achieved. Please email your Squad Captain or ultimately the Vice Captain if your result is not posted and, keeping in mind there are many emails to read, then the occasional gentle reminder. Administered by Captain/ViceCaptain/SquadCaptains. Non GDPR
Rowing Club Outreach : Google sheets used to plan outreach activities for the club. Administered by Outreach Officer. Non GDPR
Qualified Coxes and Bowsteers : google sheet managed by Kez of all qualified coxes and boosters - here is the document that defines the different categories, posted on the Water Safety Page. Note that this list is still a work-in-progress, if you feel you should be on it pls contact Kez, Jon & Mary Heather - this especially applies for the AIR's.
Captains Permissions : google sheet managed by the Captain intended to explain the purpose of Captains Permission, how it is applied and who has it for which boats. As this has only been documented in mid 2023, and prior to this Captains have issued verbal permissions then it may not be 100% accurate. Please advise the Captain if there is someone missing. Non GDPR.
Rowing Equipment Damage Report : Google form to report faulty or damaged rowing equipment. This goes onto a maintenance list that will be reviewed by the Boatman.
Rowing GoogleGroups : Set of email distribution groups used for email communication - currenty there is Falcon Rowing Memebrs, Falcon Rowing Committee, Falcon Faciltiies Commitee. Administered by Rowing Captain, access controlled according to membership status. This is NOT synchronised with Squadlist. GDPR
SageCloud : Financial system for managing rowing club account, doubles as a limited membership management tool. Transactionss include membership, coaching fees, regatta fees, Capex and opex clubhouse and equipment. Administered by Treasurer, access controlled to specific roles (Membership Secretary, Rowing Captain). GDPR
Door Management System : This is a local access only console physically located in Clubhouse, no remote or cloud access possible. Maintains a list of Fobs that are enabled, with an ID number that is mapped in a googlesheet (Fob Database) to members. DMS is administered by David Salevson, Fob Database is administered by Rowing Captain, Amie Flory and Membership Secretaries. Non GDPR
RowingClub File Storage : Google Drive maintained by Rowing Captain, used to store all documents relevant to the rowing club. Historical versioning enabled and recurring archiving to OneDrive cloud folder is enabled. Non GDPR.
Race Photography
- Rowing Photography
- Big Blade
- Al Craigie
- Jet Photographic- suppliers of mounted photographs- you can provide your own photo
Local Clubs and Contacts
- City of Oxford Rowing Club
- Oxford Academicals
- OURCs- the umbrella organisation covering the Oxford colleges
Copyright © 2025, FALCON BOAT CLUB
Zymphonies and David S